IIT Jodhpur

Welcome to IDRP-Space Science & Technology(SST)


About SST

The vastness of space and the celestial bodies in it have fascinated many brilliant human minds over the past two millennia and the quest is ever-growing. In the past century, space exploration evolved from ground-based observations to sending space probes (satellites) into deep space. This evolution has witnessed the development of many highly sophisticated technologies in the field of space propulsion, navigation, control systems, remote sensing, space materials, and many more. In recent times, apart from the exploration of deep space and celestial bodies, there has been great interest in sending microprobes in the near-earth atmosphere for stand-alone missions like earth imaging, atmospheric monitoring, ocean monitoring, scientific applications, stellar observation, etc. Miniaturization possesses new engineering challenges and paves the way to new research opportunities. Thus, space being so vast and varied with an almost infinite number of stellar objects and perhaps a greater number of unknowns than known, offers huge opportunities to carry out fundamental research so as to develop a better understanding of the universe. Further, space also offers a wide range of opportunities for the development of technological applications such as satellite technologies (particularly microsatellites), space vehicles, remote sensing, navigation and control, space sensors and probes, space propulsion, space materials, etc. These scientific and engineering research thus requires a multi-disciplinary effort and the IDRP on Space Science and Technology aims to provide such a collective multi-disciplinary effort to address key scientific and engineering issues in understanding, and exploiting space.







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