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Advance Manufacturing Laboratory
In the Advance Manufacturing Laboratory, CAD model of object is prepared using 3D modelling softwares like ProE, SolidWorks, Catia. FE analysis is carried out using Analysis software like Ansys, Nastran/Patran and precision manufacturing is carried out using CNC programing/CNC machines and Rapid Prototyping Machine/ 3D Printer. The manufactured components are characterised for mechanical behaviour using UTM, Hardness testers, Impact testers etc. The role of CNC machines in increasing flexibility and precision of the product to be manufactured and, increasing productivity are illustrated. The Advance Manufacturing Laboratory of institute is equipped with following facilities:
i.  CAD Section,
ii.  Precision Machining Section,
iii.  Rapid Prototyping Section, and
iv.  Mechanical Behaviour Characterisation section.