IIT Jodhpur | हिंदी संस्करण
Anti Sexual Harassment Policy
IIT Jodhpur constituted Internal Complaints Committee vide Notification No.IITJ/Admin/2019-20/153 dated 23 November 2019 in accordance with the provisions contained in Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
The Terms of Reference of the Committee shall be as follows:
(1)  To organise regular awareness programs in the Institute, regarding sexual harassment, for various stakeholders of the Institute, particularly, women;
(2) To recommend to the Institute, from time to time, measures that should be taken to deter sexual harassment and acts that affect dignity of all persons in the campus;
(3) To deal with such other matters and issues as may be considered connected with sexual harassment to anyone affecting their dignity; and
(4) To advice the Institute from time to time in matters of sexual harassment, and also for upholding the dignity of everyone attached with the Institute.