IIT Jodhpur
Mrs. Sheela Baya National Award 2023

Dr. Shrutidhara Sarma, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur has been honoured with the prestigious Mrs. Sheela Baya National Award 2023 for outstanding contribution for Technology Advancement in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The Award was presented on the occasion of Engineers’ Day Celebration on 15th September 2023 at the Institution of Engineers (India), Udaipur Local Centre. 

The Institution of Engineers (India) is a recipient of Royal Charter in 1935 and is recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The Institution has its PAN India presence through more than 100 State and Local Centres, located at capital cities and towns of industrial and academic importance. These centres oversee and coordinate various technical activities locally under the guidelines of the Council.