IIT Jodhpur

IITJodhpur's MOU with cGANGA

All the IIT Jodhpurresearchers interested in the area are encouraged to work towards the submitting projects aligned with the vision and mission of cGANGA. Please see


Towards doing so, they would like to know the guidelines, and rules through which they can contribute to the purpose.
 In this regard, you are requested to browse through the process to participate in working groups as elaborated here


Furthermore we can also look into Environment Technology Verification Proposals here


An internship opportunity can also availed by the students .


Please encourage all the people to submit team based proposals.

Note to IITJ Faculty: Please do write to cGanga directly for research proposal submission


Jojari River

Thesis Work

Aman Kumar Meena (M20CI051), Modeling of Jojari river in semi-arid western Rajasthan, India using the geospatial technique and hydrodynamic modeling, Master’s Thesis, Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, May 2022, IT Jodhpur. Jodhpur, Rajasthan

International Conference Paper

Himanchal, Aman Meena, Sunil Duhan, Meraj Ahmad, Pankaj Jakhar, Aswathy Puthukkulam, Vinayak Shedekar, AsmitaMurumkar, AnandPlappally, 2021 Modelling of Jojari river in semi-arid western Rajasthan, India using the geospatial techniques and 1D flow model analysis, BRICS NUs: Water Resource and Pollution Treatment [WRPT-21] International Conference, 6th-8th July, 2021.